Buddhism/ Hinduism new
A Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti:
$21.15 USD
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896-1977), founder of the Hare Krishna Movement, traced his lineage to the fifteenth-century Indian saint Sri Caitanya. He authored more than fifty volumes of English translation...
Approaching the Land of Bliss: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitabha
$21.15 USD
The discourse of Buddhist studies has traditionally been structured around texts and nations (the transmission of Buddhism from India to China to Japan). And yet, it is doubtful that these...
Brilliant Moon: The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse
$14.10 USD
The world of Tibet before the Chinese invasion is evoked in this memoir of the modern master and of his training in the era when life in his homeland revolved...
Buddha: The British Museum
$11.28 USD
Images of the Buddha are numerous and varied, reflecting the myraid ways in which different cultures have chosen to represent this sublime figure and the stories associated with him. This...
$14.10 USD
Buddhism, Third Edition tells the story of Buddhism's origins and its development into three major schools of thought - and presents the particular beliefs and practices of those schools of...
Buddhism (Rel O/T Wld) (Religions of the World (Chelsea House Hardcover))
$15.51 USD
Examines the faith founded by Siddhartha Gautama, which is now being embraced by people around the world. By: Les Alldritt
Buddhism for Today - and Tomorrow
$7.05 USD
Sangharakshita strongly believes that the Buddha's fundamental teachings are relevant to modern Western men and women. In this book he describes some specific methods of personal development, a radical blueprint...
Buddhism: History and Diversity of a Great Tradition
$9.87 USD
By: Elizabeth Lyons The historical foundations of this important world religion, including the life and teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, are explored. The authors examine the spread of...
Buddhist Masters Milarepa: The Tibetan Poet Mystic and His Songs
$14.10 USD
Milarepa's story was written in the twelfth century by his disciple Rechungpa in Tibet. There are several versions of it. All end with the scene of old Milarepa who summons...
Chod in the Ganden Tradition: The Oral Instructions of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
$14.10 USD
In Chod in the Ganden Tradition , we encounter not only the life and teachings of one of the greatest Tibetan masters in modern times, but also instructions in one...
Critical Sermons of the Zen Tradition: Hisamatsu's Talks on Linji
$14.10 USD
The Record of Linji stands as one of the great classics of the Zen tradition, and modern Zen master and reformer Hisamatsu Shin'ichi offers a lively and penetrating exploration of...
Dharma (Dimensions of Asian Spirituality)
$15.51 USD
This introductory work proposes a fresh take on the ancient Indian concept dharma. By unfolding how, even in its developments as law and custom, dharma participates in nuanced and multifarious...
Dharma Drum: The Life and Heart of Chan Practice
$14.10 USD
This guide and companion for the practitioner of Chan Buddhism contains two parts: Part one is a lively presentation of the history and practice of Chan, along with careful instruction...
Dharma, Color, and Culture: New Voices in Western Buddhism
$14.10 USD
For the first time ever, the words of Western Buddhist practitioners of colour are recognised and gathered together in one groundbreaking anthology. Alice Walker, Maxine Hong Kingston, Charles Johnson, Thich...
Fathering Your Father: The Zen of Fabrication in Tang Buddhism
$11.28 USD
by : Alan Cole (Author)
$14.10 USD
Written in an accessible style that dispels many of the myths and mysteries surrounding this major world religion, Hinduism, Third Edition provides readers with an up-to-date understanding of the interconnection...
In the Shadow of the Buddha
$21.15 USD
Spiritual biography meets edge-of-your-seat undercover reporting: how an American Buddhist smuggled out hard evidence of abuse and torture in Tibet. For nearly a decade, Matteo Pistono smuggled out of Tibet...
Insight Dialogue: The Interpersonal Path to Freedom
$18.33 USD
Insight Dialogue is a way of bringing the tranquility and insight attained in meditation directly into your interactions with other people. It’s a practice that involves interacting with a partner...
Japanese Mandalas: Representations of Sacred Geography
$15.51 USD
This text presents a study of Japanese mandalas, interpreting them as sanctified realms where identification between the human and sacred occurs. The author investigates 8th to 7th century BC paintings...
Lion of Siddhas: The Life and Teachings of Padampa Sangye
$18.33 USD
Best known as Machig Labdron's teacher, the Indian mahasiddha Padampa Sangye is counted as a lineage guru by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He brought the lineage of Chöd to...
Manifestations of Buddhas
$18.33 USD
When Shakyamuni, the Historical Buddha, became silent and entered the unshackled state of existence or the final nirvana, devotees wanted to adore and remember the enlightened being, and this served...
Peoples of the Buddhist World: A Christian Prayer Guide
$18.33 USD
In the past 20 years, Christians around the world have launched initiatives to reach Muslims, Communists, Hindus and other major unreached people groups but the Buddhist world has largely been...
Spirits of the Place: Buddhism and Lao Religious Culture
$14.10 USD
Spirits of the Place is a rare and timely contribution to our understanding of religious culture in Laos and Southeast Asia. Most often studied as a part of Thai, Vietnamese,...
Ten Gates: The Kong-an Teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn
$11.28 USD
Zen is famous for koans (called kong-ans in Korean, and in this book), those bizarre and seemingly unanswerable questions Zen masters pose to their students to check their realization (such...
The Great Medicine That Conquers Clinging to the Notion of Reality:
$14.10 USD
In these inspiring teachings on how to open the heart, a contemporary Tibetan Buddhist master shows us how to change our self-centered attitude and develop concern for the well-being of...
The Infinite Mirror: Commentaries on Two Chan Classics
$11.28 USD
These verses echo the teachings of Buddhism through the ages. Written by two of the founding patriarchs of the Chinese Ts'aotung sect of Chan Buddhism, upon which the Japanese Soto...
The Jew in the Lotus
$14.10 USD
While accompanying eight high–spirited Jewish delegates to Dharamsala, India, for a historic Buddhist–Jewish dialogue with the Dalai Lama, poet Rodger Kamenetz comes to understand the convergence of Buddhist and Jewish...
The Lamp That Enlightens Narrow Minds
$9.87 USD
The Lamp That Enlightens Narrow Minds: The Life and Times of a Realized Tibetan Master, Khyentse Chökyi Wangchug presents an engaging account of the life of Khyentse Chökyi Wangchug, a...
The Last Lama Warrior: The Secret Martial Art of Tibet
$16.92 USD
The first book in English to reveal the principles and techniques of the Tibetan martial art of Senguei Ngaro - Written by the last holder of the Senguei Ngaro to...
The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great
$19.74 USD
by : Alexander Gardner (Author)
The Pure Joy of Being: An Illustrated Introduction to the Story of the Buddha and the Practice of Meditation
$15.51 USD
by : Fabrice Midal (Author), Jack Kornfield (Foreword)
Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522–1620
$25.38 USD
by : Dewei Zhang (Author)
Training in Compassion: ZEN Teachings on the Practice of Lojong
$14.10 USD
Lojong is the Tibetan Buddhist practice that involves working with short phrases (called slogans ) as a way of generating bodhichitta, the heart and mind of enlightened compassion. Though the...
Tsung Mi and the Sinification of Buddhism
$14.10 USD
This study of Tsung-mi is part of the Studies in East Asian Buddhism series. Author Peter Gregory makes extensive use of Japanese secondary sources, which complements his work on the...