Literature, Poetry & Plays.
The Tragic History of La Pucelle of Domremy, Otherwise Known as the Maid of Orleans
$11.28 USD
by : Fronton Du Duc (Translation: Richard Hillman)
The Troad: An Archaeological and Topographical Study
$16.92 USD
By: J.M.Cook
The Trumpet Major (Wordsworth Classics)
$7.05 USD
With an introduction and notes by Charles P.C. Pettit, Thomas Hardy's only historical novel, "The Trumpet Major" is set in Wessex during the Napoleonic Wars. Hardy skilfully immerses us in...
The Virgilian Tradition
$35.25 USD
– Sold Outby : Michael C. J. Putnam This indispensable anthology gathers texts and translations that cover major aspects of the Virgilian tradition from the Roman poet's own lifetime to the year...
The Vision of Piers the Plowman: In Three Parallel Texts, Together with Richard the Redeless (Volume1&2)
$14.10 USD
By : William Langland
The Vonnegut Encyclopedia: Revised and updated edition
$21.15 USD
– Sold Outhe authorized, updated, and comprehensive catalogue of characters, themes, phrasing, and imagery found in Kurt Vonnegut's beloved work. Vonnegut's five decades of writing yielded many worlds-worth of people, places, and...
The Wind In The Willows
$7.05 USD
– Sold OutFar from the fading with time, Kenneth Grahames classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audience in each generation. Rat, Mole, Badger, and the preposterous Mr Toad (...
The Woodlanders (Wordsworth Classics)
$7.05 USD
Educated beyond her station, Grace Melbury returns to the woodland village of little Hintock and cannot marry her intended, Giles Winterborne. Her alternative choice proves disastrous, and in a moving...
This Arab Is Queer: An Anthology
$28.20 USD
– Sold Outby : Elias Jahshan (Editor)
Tom Jones (Wordsworth Classics)
$7.05 USD
This book includes an introduction and notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. "Tom Jones" is widely regarded as one of the first and most influential...
Toward the Decolonization of African Literature Vol. 1: African Fiction and Poetry and Their Critics
$14.10 USD
– Sold Outby Onsucheka J.
$11.28 USD
by : Hédi Kaddour and Marilyn Hacker | Apr 24, 2012 Hédi Kaddour’s poetry arises from observation, from situations both ordinary and emblematic—of contemporary life, of human stubbornness, human invention,...
Twenty Years After (Wordsworth Classics)
$7.05 USD
This title includes an introduction by A. M. de Medeiros, University of Kent at Canterbury. A year after the publication of "The Three Musketeers", Alexandre Dumas produced a sequel worthy...
Under the Greenwood Tree (Wordsworth Classics)Under the Greenwood
$7.05 USD
This title includes introduction and notes by Dr Claire Seymour, University of Kent at Canterbury. "Under the Greenwood Tree" is Hardy's most bright, confident and optimistic novel. This delightful portrayal...
Violeta [English Edition]: A Novel
$25.38 USD
– Sold Outby : Isabel Allende
Virtual Realities and Their Discontents
$11.28 USD
by : Robert Markley The recognition that that cyberspace is a fiction- a narrative that creates a coherence it would like to imagine "really" exists- is crucial to any theoretically...
Virtues of the Imam Ahmad ibn Ḥanbal: Volume Two (Library of Arabic Literature, 44)
$31.02 USD
by : Ibn al-Jawzī (Author), Michael Cooperson (Translator)
War Songs (Library of Arabic Literature, 41)
$31.02 USD
– Sold Outby : Antarah ibn Shaddad
Washington Square (Wordsworth Classics)
$7.05 USD
– Sold OutWashington Square marks the culmination of James's apprentice period as a novelist. With sharply focused attention upon just four principal characters, James provides an acute analysis of middle-class manners and...
What ʿĪsā ibn Hishām Told Us: Or, A Period of Time (Library of Arabic Literature, 37)
$21.15 USD
by : Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī (Author), Roger Allen (Translator), Maria Golia (Foreword
What ʿĪsā ibn Hishām Told Us: or, A Period of Time, Volume One (Library of Arabic Literature, 54)
$28.20 USD
by : Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī (Author), Roger Allen (Translator)
What ʿĪsā ibn Hishām Told Us: or, A Period of Time, Volume Two (Library of Arabic Literature, 60)
$28.20 USD
by : Muḥammad al-Muwayliḥī (Author), Roger Allen (Translator)
$21.15 USD
– Sold Outby : Michel Houellebecq (Author), Paul Hammond (Translator), Toby Litt (Introduction)
William Shakespeare Selected Poems
$8.46 USD
NO DESCRIPTION By: William Shakespeare
Writing Realism: Representations in French Fiction
$11.28 USD
by Professor Armine Kotin Mortimer For centuries, and not just in the period we refer to as realism , writers of novels and short stories have consciously exploited our ability...