Action, Art, History: Engagements with Arthur C. Danto (Columbia Themes in Philosophy)
$18.33 USD
Arthur C. Danto is unique among philosophers for the breadth of his philosophical mind, his eloquent writing style, and the generous spirit embodied in all his work. Any collection of...
Genuine Individuals and Genuine Communities: A Roycean Public Philosophy
$21.15 USD
A cogent blueprint for the development of a public philosophy that integrates shared principles and values into our troubled social structure and articulates a consensus vision of society's future. The...
A Guide to the I Ching
$14.10 USD
A Guide to the I Ching, first published in 1980, was a guide to the Wilhelm/Baynes classic translation of the I Ching. It has now become a classic in its...
Berkeley's Three Dialogues : A Reader's Guide
$21.15 USD
Berkeley's Three Dialogues is a key text in the history of philosophy - the dialogues are, with the exception of Hume's, arguably the most important philosophical dialogues written in...
Tracking Reason: Proof, Consequence, and Truth
$28.20 USD
When ordinary people - mathematicians among them - take something to follow (deductively) from something else, they are exposing the backbone of our self-ascribed ability to reason. Jody Azzouni...
Kierkegaard's Metaphors
$14.10 USD
– Sold OutKeirkegaard's Metaphors offers an explaination of a more accessible way to understand Kierkegarrd by analyzing his persistent use of metaphors. by : Jamie Lorentzen
Philosophy and Biodiversity
$35.25 USD
This important collection focuses on the nature and importance of biodiversity. The concept is clarified and its intrinsic and instrumental value are discussed. Even though the term biodiversity was...
Kant and the Fate of Autonomy: Problems in the Appropriation of the Critical Philosophy
$14.10 USD
– Sold Outby : Karl Ameriks It has been argued that Kant's all-consuming efforts to place autonomy at the center of philosophy have had, in the long-run, the unintended effect of leading...
Identifying the Mind: Selected Papers of U.T. Place
$28.20 USD
This is the one and only book by the pioneer of the identity theory of mind. The collection focuses on Place's philosophy of mind and his contributions to neighboring issues...
Contemporary Perspectives in Critical and Social Philosophy
$70.50 USD
Contemporary Perspectives in Critical and Social Philosophy brings together a range of essays concerning ways of conceptualising modernities, subjectivities, and recognition. It highlights recent developments in German critical and...
Leibniz and His Correspondents
$21.15 USD
Unlike most of the other great philosophers Leibniz never wrote a magnum opus, so his philosophical correspondence is essential for an understanding of his views. This collection of new...
Rhetoric in an Antifoundational World: Language, Culture and Pedagogy
$28.20 USD
In this brilliant collection, literary scholars, philosophers, and teachers inquire into the connections between antifoundational philosophy and the rhetorical tradition. What happens to literary studies and theory when traditional...
Fichte: The Self and the Calling of Philosophy, 1762-1799
$21.15 USD
n this biographical study of the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte from his birth in 1762 to the crisis in his university career in 1799, Professor La Vopa uses...
Surfaces and Essences: Analogy as the Fuel and Fire of Thinking
$28.20 USD
n a major new work from the author of Godel, Escher, Bach and I Am a Strange Loop , two leading scholars argue that analogy is the basis for...
Against Coherence: Truth, Probability, and Justification
$28.20 USD
t is tempting to think that, if a person's beliefs are coherent, they are also likely to be true. Indeed, this truth-conduciveness claim is the cornerstone of the popular...
Wittgenstein Reads Weininger
$28.20 USD
There is no description for this title. by : David G. Stern
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-kindness
$11.28 USD
– Sold OutThis book is about saying yes to life in all its manifestations--embracing the potent mixture of joy, suffering, brilliance, and confusion that characterizes the human experience. Pema Chodron shows...
Minds and Persons
$18.33 USD
The nature of the mind and of consciousness, the reality of freedom, the concept of agency and the relation of language to the mental: all are central and perennial...
Nietzsche Unbound: The Struggle for Spirit in the Age of Science
$14.10 USD
Nietzsche Unbound presents a new and unusual interpretation of Nietzsche as a genuinely religious thinker who not only grasped the nature of humanity's current spiritual predicament, but also set...
The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid
$14.10 USD
Widely acknowledged as the principal architect of Scottish common sense philosophy, Thomas Reid is increasingly recognized today as one of the finest philosophers of the eighteenth century. Combining a...
Transcendence in Philosophy and Religion (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)
$11.28 USD
– Sold OutCan transcendence be both philosophical and religious? Do philosophers and theologians conceive of the same thing when they think and talk about transcendence? Philosophy and religion have understood transcendence...
Public Vision, Private Lives: Rousseau, Religion, and 21st-century Democracy
$18.33 USD
Mark S. Cladis pinpoints the origins of contemporary notions of the public and private and their relationship to religion in the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. His thesis cuts across...
Reorienting Rhetoric: The Dialectic of List and Story
$18.33 USD
Written in the form it discusses, Reorienting Rhetoric is both a narrative weaving out of a theme and a systematic treatment of a set of these ideas. The theme...
Deontic Morality and Control
$18.33 USD
This book addresses a dilemma concerning freedom and moral obligation (obligation, right, and wrong). If determinism is true, then no one has control over one's actions. If indeterminism is true,...
Journey of a Skeptic
$14.10 USD
Journey of a Skeptic is the intriguing transformation of a Fortune 500 executive and stalwart skeptic to a committed believer in reincarnation. A businessman buried in the world of science...
Fortunate Fallibility: Kierkegaard and the Power of Sin
$42.30 USD
For more than 1,500 years, the claim that Adam's Fall might be considered 'fortunate' has been Christianity's most controversial and difficult idea. While keepers of the Easter vigil in...
On the Purity of the Art of Logic: The Shorter and the Longer Treatises
$18.33 USD
– Sold OutAn English translation of a handbook of logic written in Latin by English philosopher Walter Burley. The book includes both the versions circulated in the Middle Ages, along with an...
The Pragmatic Mind: Explorations in the Psychology of Belief
$14.10 USD
The Pragmatic Mind is a study of the pragmatism of Emerson, James, and Peirce and its overlooked relevance for the neopragmatism of thinkers like Richard Rorty, Stanley Cavell, Stanley Fish,...
Anselm's Proslogion
$18.33 USD
St. Anselm (1033-1109) was an Italian theologian and philosopher and the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1093-1097. He is best known for his work, Proslogion , in which he defends the...
Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic
$18.33 USD
Each Briefly volume provides a very short chapter setting the scene by explaining who this writer is and why this book in particular was so important, or why it became...
Out from the Shadows
$35.25 USD
Out from the Shadows showcases the work of 18 analytical feminists from a variety of traditional areas of philosophy: social and political philosophy, normative ethics, virtue theory, metaethics, philosophy of...
Taking Action: Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Intentional Acts
$21.15 USD
Description of this Book Traditionally, neurologists, neuroscientists, and psychologists have viewed brain functions as grossly divisible into three separable components, each responsible for either perceptual, cognitive, or motor systems. The...
Every Valley Shall be Exalted : The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought
$28.20 USD
In high medieval France, men and women saw the world around them as the product of tensions between opposites. Imbued with a Christian culture in which a penniless preacher was...