Photography new
A History of Photography at the University of Notre Dame: Twentieth Century
$35.25 USD
by : David Acton (Author)
All City Writers: The Graffiti Diaspora
$21.15 USD $42.30 USD
The title, ALL CITY WRITERS, describes a vast research on the Writing movement, focusing particularly on the process of its exportation from New York to all of Europe during the...
Amazing Men: Courage, Insight, Endurance
$14.10 USD $21.15 USD
The much-anticipated follow up to Joyce Tenneson's hugely successful Wise Women, Amazing Men presents portraits of a wide cross-section of men aged 60 and over, from varying professions, lifestyles, and...
Anne & Patrick Poirier
$11.28 USD
by : Marinella Paderni, Francesco Poli, et al. | Sep 1, 2007 French artists Anne and Patrick Poirier (born in 1941 and 1942 respectively) grew up during World War II...
Assassinated Beauty: Photographs of Manic Street Preachers
$18.33 USD
In the early nineties, a group of disaffected and fiercely political young men from the Welsh valleys exploded onto a British music scene still in thrall to rave and acid...
Bailey's Stardust
$56.40 USD
by David Bailey (Photographer), Tim Marlow (Introduction )The portraits in this book have been personally selected by David Bailey from the wide range of subjects and groups that he has captured over the...
Bible Road: Signs of Faith in the American Landscape
$14.10 USD $28.20 USD
For the last 25 years, photographer Sam Fentress has travelled America taking architectural photographs as his full-time profession. Along the way, he has encountered illustrative signs of faith along the...
By Appointment Only: Cezanne, Van Gogh and Some Secrets of Art Dealing
$28.20 USD
This richly illustrated volume brings together essays and lectures on Van Gogh and Cezanne by the internationally renowned art dealer and scholar, Walter Feilchenfeldt. The book traces the often convoluted...
$14.10 USD
The Asia Unique series of books highlights the extraordinary diversity of Asia by focusing on one specific topic, photographed in its amazing variety by some of the finest travel photographers...
Celebrity and Performance
$21.15 USD $28.20 USD
By: Andy Steel The World’s Top Photographers’ Workshops pairs in-depth, practical advice with stunning images and personal tips from the world’s leading photographers. The latest in this series, Celebrity andPerformance,...
Chicago Portraits
$18.33 USD
by: Chicago Tribune Staff The Chicago Tribune possesses a vast photo archive spanning its more than 150 years in publication. From the Civil War era through today, its photographers have...
China Everyday
$18.33 USD
China Everyday provides a fascinating and revealing insight into a culture and a history that still remains enigmatic to audiences the world over. China Everyday documents the commonplace, everyday items...
Chinese Opera
$49.35 USD
For centuries opera companies have mesmerized audiences with their elaborately costumed and made-up characters and the pageantry of their productions combining music and voice with dance and gesture. Because of...
Citizens of the World - Meyrin
$9.87 USD $19.74 USD
This is a collection of photographs taken of families in the Swiss town of Meyrin, near Geneva. Geneva itself is the centre for many international concerns, from the International Red...
Comic Genius: Portraits of Funny People
$28.20 USD
This star-studded tribute to the kings and queens of comedy draws together such legendary names as Steve Martin, Tina Fey, Steve Carell, Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, Ricky Gervais, and many...
Cool Hotels America
$35.25 USD
Whichever direction you travel in the Americas; north, south, east or west, this volume offers an extensive array of cool hotel options. When you're seeking just the right combination of...
Dali: The Salvador Dali Museum Collection
$56.40 USD
by : Robert S. Lubar
Early Landscapes of Myanmar
$7.05 USD
This book compares changing landscapes in Myanmar from the Paleolithic and Neolithic through the rise of bronze-iron chiefdoms and the emergenc e of first millennium AD Hindu-Buddhist walled polities. Throughout...
Gothic Song: Victorine Sequences and Augustinian Reform in Twelfth-Century Paris,
$21.15 USD
Margot E. Fassler’s richly documented history―winner of the Otto Kinkeldey Award from the American Musicological Society and the John Nicholas Brown Prize from the Medieval Academy of America―demonstrates how the...
Graphis Photography Annual 2007
$28.20 USD
Presents more than 300 photos which represent commercial and fine art photography. This book also features an index of the top photographers and their representatives, as well as camera and...
Hans Eijkelboom: Paris-New York-Shanghai
$42.30 USD
Dutch conceptual artist Hans Eijkelboom's work is very much in line with the deadpan, seemingly mechanistic note-taking of Ed Ruscha and Hans-Peter Feldman. In Paris-New York-Shanghai, Eijkelboom creates a witty...
I Am Jesse James
$14.10 USD
Like his famous relative, Jesse James has captured the imagination of the world. His bad- to-the-bones hand-built choppers with their trademark flames and Maltese cross logos are coveted by millions...
Jordan Team of Dreams
$70.50 USD
Team of Dreams on a trip to Mount Everest, taken by : zohrab.
Jordan: A Land for All Seasons
$56.40 USD
by : Zohrab Markarian (Photographer)
Lomo Life: The Future is Analog
$21.15 USD
Chronologically organized and featuring the photographic material from the 1.5 million-strong Lomography community, this volume is a snapshot of every corner of the lomographic world. It is suitable for designers,...
Mary McCartney: From Where I Stand
$28.20 USD
"From Where I Stand" reveals the best work from Mary McCartneys complete archive from the 1990s to date. The book provides an incomparable view into Marys world, both public and...